Learn more about Summer Festival Camp over a cup of coffee with our Camp Director Tony.

Frequently Asked Questions
For a week during the summer, teens have the chance to get away from real life, hang out with people from all across the Midwest, deepen friendships, and talk about God. Everyday speakers come to share inspiring and challenging stories about real life, God, and where the two intertwine. The days are packed with fun surprises of all kinds. From the music, the movies, the games, the speakers, and club – all with laughter to tears – Summer Festival Camp really has something for everybody.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is Summer Festival Camp This Summer?
A: Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN
Q: When is Summer Festival Camp?
A: High school Sunday, July 13th through Wednesday,July 16, 2025
Middle school: Sunday, July 20th through Wednesday, July 23, 2025
Q: What does it cost?
A: $310 for campers and counselors.
**The $310 does not include the cost of transportation or leader costs.**
At $310 per person, we are one of the best deals around. We think that if you experience it, you will love it, That’s why new groups can try it for $220 a person.
Q: Who is eligible to attend Summer Festival Camp?
A: High school Students who have finished 9th grade through 12th grade in the 2024- 2025 school year.
Middle school: Students who have finished 6th grade through 9th grade in the 2024- 2025 school year.
There is flexibility around this to match the grade level split that individual churches make.
Q: What kind of programming will the campers experience?
A: Summer Festival combines wild games, gut-busting humor, a messy fight, meaningful music, relevant speakers, breakout sessions and small group discussion time for a unique experience. Camp helps students draw closer to Jesus, each other and to the leaders from their church. See the daily schedule below for more details about what a day at camp looks like.
Q: What does the adult leadership look like?
A: Each church provides their own adult leadership from their community. This helps foster relationships of depth that go back to the church and last far beyond camp. In addition, Summer Festival Camp provides a dynamic staff who help lead, love and pump up students during the week. Churches should provide one leader for every 8-10 students.
Q: Is there special programming for leaders?
A: There are two leader meetings each day at camp to help adults be in the know about what’s happening at camp, build community together and have their own spiritual time, including music and prayer.
Q: What time do we check in?
A: High school: 1:30-2:30pm on Sunday, July 13th
Middle School: 1:30-2:30pm on Sunday, July 20th
Q: What time does camp end?
A: Highschool 11:30am on Wednesday, July 16th
Middle school 11:30am on Wednesday, July 23rd
Q: How do we get to and from camp?
A: Each church group is responsible for their own transportation to and from camp. Once at camp, all transportation that may be needed will be provided.
Q: What should I pack
- Any unfinished paperwork documents
- A fan
- Swimsuit
- Bathroom supplies
- Lots of extra clothes, including an outfit that can get dirty
- Cash for a t-shirt or snacks
- Towels
- A Bible
Q: How do I sign up?
A: If you are a trip leader click here for group registration. If you’re a student signing up for camp whose home church is going to camp, you should sign up with your youth leader and fill out the forms they provide. If you aren’t sure who the right person is to get in touch with, contact us and we’ll let you know.
Q: My church isn’t going, can I signup as an individual?
A: Absolutely! Contact us and we will help you get signed up as an individual.
Q: Are there any scholarships available?
A: Yes! Contact us us to request Scholarship Request Form and we will make sure you get to camp.
Q: What does an average day at Summer Festival look like?
A: Sample Summer Festival Daily Schedule:
- 8:30 Breakfast
- 9:15 Morning Event
- 10:15 Morning Club
- 11:15 Morning Small Group Time
- 12:00 Lunch
- 1:15 Afternoon Event
- 2:30 Free Time
- 4:00 Workshops
- 5:00 Dinner
- 6:00 Free Time
- 7:00 Club
- 8:15 Evening Small Group Time
- 9:15 Evening Event
- 10:15 Late Night Scramble
- 11:30 Lights out
Question not covered here? Check out the:
Super FAQ 2025 Summer Festival Camp